Introduction of some different types of clamp for wood

The C-type strong clamp in clamp for wood is quite practical. It is mainly used to clamp materials of the same thickness repeatedly, such as the clamping of log tenon molds and materials, such as the clamping of backers and plates. , It is recommended to buy an 11-inch, too small is useless.

Woodworking F clips are very common, mainly used to fix the wood for processing or to keep the wood in place and apply pressure after gluing. Woodworking F clips are used the most, but many manufacturers produce F clips completely in the workshop mode, with no basic design, let alone quality. I think they have never used them at all.

Some improved fixtures are really designed for woodworking. They are a little expensive, but they are definitely worth the money. Once you use them, you will never live without them again.

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